Quantum Rudder is our cloud-based solution that simplifies network management. It allows you to access, manage, and troubleshoot your network from anywhere in the world. Experience the freedom and flexibility that Quantum Rudder offers and say goodbye to the limitations of in-person network management.
- Manage both wireless (access points) and wired networks (access switches, aggregation switches, data center switches and WAN connections (gateways)).
- Flexible deployment options – Quantum cloud, On-premises, or Private cloud.
- Super scalable / super secure architecture to scale to millions of devices.
- High performance and uptime to trust your mission-critical network to Rudder NSC (Network and Services Controller).
- Monitor your network with in-depth dashboards and reporting.
Key Highlights
- Quantum Rudder, a cloud-based solution that enables users to oversee their entire network from anywhere worldwide.
- Effortlessly manage extensively distributed networks, whether within a single campus or across multiple campuses, all through a unified console.
- In addition, we offer on-premises device management and standalone device management for added flexibility and customization.
Airbender - An adaptive, reliable solution for high-performance wireless networks.
- With Quantum Airbender service, access points can accurately detect RF interference, pinpoint its source on the Airbender dashboard and automatically alter their settings to maximize wireless performance.
- When an obstruction or intrusion source is strong enough to jam a Wi-Fi channel completely, Quantum Airbender will change channels in seconds to avoid the obstruction, allowing users to continue using another channel outside of the impacted area. The Airbender solution reveals the channels on which these devices operate so that the administrators can use tight integration with Quantum radio resource management technology to maximize performance and reduce impending disturbance.
- It enables network administrators to assess RF interference, channel utilization, receive alerts about performance degradation, investigate alternatives and take appropriate action to boost network performance swiftly. Airbender provides organizations with a basic spectrum analysis capacity to support their wireless networks and make their daily operations simpler.
- Quantum Hawkeye solution automatically and swiftly categorizes wireless devices discovered in the airspace as authorized, rogue and external using the company's patented marker packet TM methodologies. Security administrators can now discover malicious wireless devices without manually scanning devices and any complications.
- It provides a thorough defense against all Wireless attacks, including those posed by rogue access points, soft access points, honey pots, Wi-Fi DoS, ad-hoc networks and many more. Our prime focus here is to offer enterprises to provide best-in-class security at the core of their network infrastructure.
Hawkeye security center to manage security across wireless and wired networks:
HawkEye Deployment – Monitor Mode
HawkEye Deployment – Monitor Mode
Quantum ACE | Mobile app for device configuration and monitoring
Quantum ACE is a Quantum Networks mobile application for on-premises Quantum wireless networks to monitor user real-time wireless network performance and troubleshoot client and RF issues with mobile tools. An extension of the Quantum Rudder Network and Service Controller mobile application, it takes your network management to the next level.